100% hand-coded

Full Responsive
Website Devlopment

Superior template-based coding using Bootstrap, “the most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.”

Support W3C compliant HTML5, XHTML (Transitional and Strict).

Getting Started
Full Responsive Website Devlopment

Every web page is W3C Valid 100% and Tested to be pixel perfect in every browser.

You send the Files

Using destinyHTML allows you to focus on the rest of your website without having to worry about coding it. Just send us the designs for the website in Photoshop (PSD), InVisionapp (in), Acrobat (PDF), Illustrator (AI), or just about any other image format (PNG, TIFF, JPEG, etc), and we’ll get started on turning your beautiful design into a functional website.

You send the Files

We do our Thing

At destinyHTML.com, all our code is guaranteed to be HTML5, HTML 4.01, XHTML Strict, or XHTML Transitional compliant. We aim to produce high quality code that you can easily edit later.

We code all our projects by default using Bootstrap 5 in a grid layout using all the built-in Bootstrap components.

Improve your search engine rankings with Semantic HTML. Semantic HTML is a crucial part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and is a must for any website. We only code using Semantic HTML with proper use of H1..H6, P, OL, UL, LI, DL, EM, STRONG, and other HTML tags. For HTML5 coding, we properly make use of HEADER, NAV, FOOTER, SECTION, ARTICLE, ASIDE, TIME, and other HTML5 tags.

All code is tested to be pixel perfect in every major browser (IE9, IE10, FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera) on both OS X and Windows.

Mobile and Tablet code is tested on iOS (iPhone,iPad) and Android (Nexus, Samsung Galaxy, etc).

Privacy – unless you give us specific permission and receive a discount, we will not list your site in our portfolio.

Your website Delivery

Once the project is good to go, Your site will be delivered to you via email. If you have any questions, need any assistance, want to make some changes our project manager will be there helping you through the process and making sure you are completely satisfied. We will continue to provide supports to your site for 2 months.

If you are not 100% completely satisfied with the quality of our services, we will be glad to give you a complete refund.

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